Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Monday, On the Worksites

Above is a graphic.  If you do not see it, click here....Monday, Navajo Nation

MONDAY in Navajo Nation

Somehow, both photographers were stranded on Work Site number 1 for the day. All normal in the confusion of getting our rhythm as coordinating, sites, people, hammers, vans, generators, lunches, water, medical, you name it is not an easy task.  However, good spirits are prevailing!  So, the story you will see is the start of the day and the team on Work site 1. 

Team one. (there are 6 teams) is outside of town about 15 minutes on 350 acres of allotment land belonging to Herman Devore.  He has owned the land for about 50 years, passed down from his mother.  I asked if he raised anything on the land and he said he was going to try to get that going, perhaps a few sheep after he is able to move in.  

Herman is of the Tangles Clan and his wife is Sagebrush clan.  They have lived in town because the children were in school. However, now that they are grown, they are building so they all might move back. A new hogan will house Herman and his wife while another small building is being repaired for one of his children. The small house used to belong to his grandfather and the remnants of his grandmothers home, a stones throw away, has been totally torn down.  Perhaps grandma and grandpa needed their space!  

Herman's grandfather was a Codetalker during the war and used to drive general McArthur around. He also was captured and a prisoner of war in Germany where he saw Hitler 100 feet away.  Grandfather escaped after only a few months as prisoner.  What a story he must have. 

I walked down to the site and Maggie quickly told me of the excitement they had in the first fifteen minutes of arrival.  They discovered a rattler hiding under one of the pallets.  It quickly met its end by one of our brave soles.  

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