Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hammering Away at My Ego.

Monday, June 9, 2014
Pick axes swinging, seven foot tall drills spinning, missioners fiercely sweating, lizards crawling. Life is a little bit hectic in Utah right now, yet I couldn't be happier. My name is Claire Meyer, a recent graduate from Lyons Township high school and very content missioner. First day on the job and we are up and running. Work wise, there are two sites on which the group is working. While one site is at the Plummer residence, setting up the skeleton of the hogan, another is on the base site. I am working on the base site and we have accomplished quite a bit! We are currently building a shower hut as well as a trench to expand their minimal internet connection with a long Ethernet cable; the trench project consisted of drilling and picking at the red sand and rock ground.  
With all of the manual labor, I have come to realize that with each nail I hammer in, my personal problems seem less and less important; I consciously noticed my mind changing focus from me to the task at hand. For example, yesterday, I discovered a hole in my air-mattress and it seemed like the end of the world to me. Just my luck! The rest of the night, I moped around even when someone offered to me their mattress that they weren't using. Yet today, as I sweat more and more, I realized that there are tasks at hand much more important then my bum mattress. Father Chris calls this moving from the me, to the we, to the one. When we move our thoughts from our personal lives, to the lives around us, and finally to God, the life that unites us all.
Although we were building structures, we were more so building a community. One that assembles to accomplish the task at hand, one that supports eachother, one that rejoices in working in the name of God.
Thank you for reading, supporting and praying for us.
~Claire Meyer, 18


  1. Your update was beautifully expressed, Claire!

    -Kristy White

  2. Claire, I read this the other day, and just have to share with you, how inspirational your message was, and it makes me proud to see how you've grown up into such a lovely young lady, but why am I not surprised. Enjoy the rest of your adventure,
    love Cece


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