Thursday, May 2, 2013



That is an affectionate greeting to all of you in Navajo!

The Navajo language is really quite fascinating.   

During World War II, the military was in search of a code that could withstand all attempts to decipher it.   Due to its complexity, the Navajo language was unintelligible to anyone without extensive exposure.  Thus, a small band of young Navajo men were recruited to transmit secret communications on the battlefield.  Some called them Code Talkers, some called them Windtalkers.   They took part in every assault the US Marines conducted in the Pacific Theatre from 1942  to 1945, saving countless lives.  Their code was never broken.   
 And, in only 37 days the YMO group departs on the bus at 0400 bound for this land of the Navajo.  The word Navajo actually signifies, “Great planted fields”.  Our YMO will be working in these fertile fields indeed, planting God’s seeds of love and growing their own spirits and hearts.  Their voices will be heard on the wind for generations to come, both generations of the Navajo and generations of our YMO participants. 
 And, fun fact, on Friday, May 3rd, there is a casting call for Navajo’s to tryout for a Navajo-dubbed version of Star Wars!  Wonder how you say, “May the Force be with you” in Navajo? 

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