Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thank you!

YMO Mission: June 8-16, 2013




From the generosity of our parish, friends, and families we raised over $20,000 in the Rock-A-Thon for our upcoming mission trip to Crownpoint, NM.  


We are so grateful to all of you who supported us in our first fundraising effort.


You are invited to follow with us in this journey through our preparations, travels, and experiences by reading our blog.  To subscribe to it simply:


·        Go to

·        Scroll to the bottom of the page

·        Enter your email address in the "Follow Us" box on the right

·        You will then receive an email asking you to authorize this

·        Simply click on the link in the email and you have completed your subscription


New posts will be added several times per week as we bring you with us on this exciting journey to serve God’s people.


If you have any questions about our mission to the Navajo Nation, please don't hesitate to ask any of us on the Missions Team or feel free to add a comment below and we would be happy to respond. 


The YMO Missions Team:



Claudia Casas                                                    

Danielle Arthaud
Laila Drury                                             Sam Hostettler

Vivian Drury                                                                        

Cynthia Hurd

Nathan Hill                                                              

Cindy Jackson King

Henry Hostettler                                                  
Heidi Jones

Sofia Howson 

Louise Meyer
Kirsten Jones                                                     
Chris Pierce

Matt Kaczynski                                                   
Emery Pierce

Alex Kane                                                           

Julie Pierce

Claire Meyer                                                                      
James Powell

Nick Naimo                                                      

Merribeth Rhoads

Ansley Pierce                                                        

Linda Robinson

Ellen Pierce    

Mike Robinson
Amanda Powell
Kelley Summers
Emily Powell                                                           Loretta Summers

Alden Pritchard

Olivia Pritchard

Maggie Schwartz

Ellie Sprague

Bennett White

Reed Willman



  1. It is "Kelley Summers"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Please change it on both this blog and on the righthand side column. Thanks!

  3. Thank you....hopefully all has been update now! Thank you for following on the blog!


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